10 Things You Must Do Before Fall Is Over (Fall Activity Guide)

Friday, October 21, 2022

Ever since I was little Fall has been my favorite season.  I could never put my finger on why, but it but it always felt so magical.

As Ive gotten older I have come to love that along with that magical feeling, Fall is just the perfect season to do EVERYTHING in! From the 23rd of September to the 22nd of December Fall days are waiting to be explored and lived to the fullest.

There is SOOOOOOO much on my todo list for this fall but I have 10 things that are must do's for me this fall and they should be for you too! 


1. Watch Hocus Pocus 

"Come...WE FLY!!!"

Ok, I had to start the list off with arguably the BEST DAMN FALL MOVIE EVER! At first I thought this was a generational thing and that only late 80's babies who really grew up in the 90's understood the impact this movie had on our childhood. Until recently I realized that Hocus Pocus is like this cult classic with a HUGE following of people in like every age range. 


Clearly #ItsLit

So its pretty safe to say your Fall season has not yet started unless you have watched Thackery Binx, The Sanderson Sisters and Max Dennison...that virgin who lit the Black Flame Candle.

2. Visit A Pumpkin Patch

Dont be silly...do I even need to explain this? Just thinking about fall makes me want to go pick the perfect pumpkin from the pumpkin patch.

Lets be serious nothing is more Fall than a pumpkin patch!! If your going please invite me =)

3. Make Home Made Apple Chips or Pumpkin Seeds 

A warm and cozy season wouldn't be complete without some good old fashioned home made goodness. My favorites for the season are home made apple chips which I will have a recipe for next week so be sure to check back and pumpkin seeds. Every time the weather starts to get cool or I see a pumpkin sitting on someones porch I'm ready to get cooking. The only thing that screams fall more than these two treats is pumpkin pie...but I ave no clue how to make that sooooooooo bruh. You get what I can give.

But if anyones grandmother is willing to donate a whole pie to me, I would so appreciate it =)

4. See The Fall Foliage (Drive Through A Wooded Area) 

Whats my favorite thing about fall? THE LEAVES!!!!

I'm so serious! As soon as I see the leaves starting to change colors my heart skips a beat and the little kid inside of me lights up. But whats better than just seeing a few leaves change on the tree outside of your window?

Seeing a whole forrest full of trees in different stages of transformation, or driving down a road lined with trees changing colors or maybe walking down a path with leaves scattered on the ground and you kick them up in joy *sigh*. Its the most beautiful sight in all the world. **Bonus- if you get a chase to see the leaves change in Vermont I swear your life will be changed forever!

5. Stock Up On Fall Lotions & Fragrances

No matter the season I love stocking up on smell goods, no matter if its for the body or the home. I can't help but purchase new lotions, room sprays or candles. They all help to embrace the feeling of the season and fill the air with amazing scents.

I love the warm coziness of fall fragrances and constantly find myself lotioning up with one of my current favorite scented lotions from the picture above so I can smell fall everywhere I go!

6. The Dreaded Pumpkin Spice Latte (just add pumpkin)

No matter what you do....if you run...if you hide...you can't avoid PUMPKIN in the fall!!

Especially the dreaded pumpkin spice latte...it really is terrible. I had my first one this year and it quickly got tossed.

But fall is the best excuse to add pumpkin flavor to everything and lets be honest...pumpkin just doesn't taste so great any other time of the year.

So while you have the chance indulge in EVERYTHING...my favorite thing is Thomas's Pumpkin Bagels *heart eye emoji*

7. Apple Picking

There is nothing more american than apples! You have apple pie, apple cider, apple juice, candy apples, apple sauce... *end Forrest Gump sequence* But no really apple picking is a huge fall past time and it's a super cool way to take your fall baking from start to finish. Pick your apples, go home, peel them and make something amazing with fresh from the farm ingredients!

You can take the kids, the boyfriend, the girls anyone! 

8. Corn Maze

To be such a lover of Fall I'm almost embarrassed to say that I have never done one of these. Like honestly this is a super classic fall activity but I'm convinced that I would be the one person to get so lost inside the maze that I wouldn't be able to find my way out. Pair my HORRIBLE sense of direction with my panic attacks and it a recipe for disaster for me. But for everybody else I hear they have a ball! Check your local farms, they tend to cut the corn mazes into different fun patterns each year!

Maybe I'll try it one day...maybe trail a piece of string behind me to find my way out lol!

9. Mountain Get Away

I can't explain to you the impact of an old fashioned get away, you honestly just have to pack up and take off for yourself to understand it. However, I can say that taking a mountain getaway in the fall that is just beyond anything you could ever explain. The crisp fall air, the views, the changing leaves and the overwhelming feeling of peace that comes over you is priceless. It may just be me (and if so thats ok I love it) but the mountains calm and renew my spirit

If you have yet to venture off into the mountains in fall, do yourself a favor and book your next trip ASAP, theres really no reason to wait until next year.

10. Farmers Market 

The end of summer marks the harvesting season for farmers and is the perfect time to visit your local farmers markets. The aisles of the markets will be bursting with color. products will be at their ripest and the taste will be the freshest you could imagine. I like to visit my local farmers market every other week to keep my home stocked with all the best seasonal goodies.

What am I loving right now? Heirloom tomatoes, mushrooms, garlic, peaches and apples! Anything really now that I think about it, I just love good clean food. Oh and you can't beat the prices!!

I could go on and on with this list because there are SO MANY amazing things to do in fall but this top ten should get your started.

What are some things you love to do in the fall? Do you have any fall traditions? Is there anything special you will be doing this fall?
Let me know below!

Until Next Time,
XO Deanna


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